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- Our efforts in developing products
We work on creating equipment and machinery to satisfy our customers.
We design and manufacture various printers such as cup printers, and bottle cap printers and tube printers in addition to general industrial machinery and energy-saving machinery as our customers’ production facilities. Especially our sales record for cup printers exceeds 300 units, which is over 90% of the domestic share. The machinery we create is being used in many countries in the world.
Even a basic operation of transferring the work piece can be done in various methods, including pressing with a cylinder, running on a conveyor, and catching with a robot arm. Considering it our job in design to analyze our customers’ demands and select the one idea best suited to them from such great variety of methods in terms of efficiency, cost, maintenance simplicity and so forth, our approximately 40 design engineers work on designing machinery always from the standpoint of our customers utilizing their rich experience and records accumulated over 60 years of business since establishment.

Diverse mechanical facilities including a large five-face machine and a Constant Temperature Room and experienced engineers capable of utilizing them to their full capacities. Neither the facilities nor the people can be done without in order to create excellent machinery. Everything points to accumulation of know-how, and only people can achieve this. We consider creating machinery synonymous to nurturing workers with abilities to create machinery and focus our efforts in development of our human resources.